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 When rendering in Daz Studio you will need a good light to make it stand out and enhance it, make it look better in other words, you also need a good body texture, make-up, clothing textures etc, Look for good quality products when you are purchasing.

Even some free ones are quite good, As to the not-so-good they can also be made to look better.

Just takes a while to learn how to this


  Up at the top where your toolbar is you have these 4 lights

(Distant Light, Point Light, Linare Point Light, Spotlight)

I am going to quickly shop how to add a distant light 


Create a Distant Light and name it

This will now appear in the Scene Section

In the Parameters Section you have all of these settings,
Have a play around with them, Try different ones
You can purchase lights like the one below (not Iray)
Have free ones(read terms before usage) or you can make your own

Subtly Soft Lights for Daz

Here is a good light to start with 

(Click on picture to purchase)

No Lights                                 With Light -Soft Dawn 
 Iray Lights
This one has a backdrop that took just over 7 minutes for a 600x600 Image
(I don't use Iray lights)

No Lights                                          Iray Light

My Own
Here is where I have added my lights

No Lights                                       Own Made

Saving Lights
This is the way I save for future work(well one way)
It is an easy way so no need to hunt through folders lol
Here are a few of the lights I have created

When I have My Scene open,
I delete the characters, clothes etc till I have just the lights left

Go to File, Save as Scene

This will pop up, Name it and save it somewhere, Mine is on my external drive under My Saves/Lights
Click Accept

It is now in my section of Lights
The next time I open Daz Studio and I want light from this folder, I right-click over it and this pop-up appears, Click on Merge into Scene

These are now in My Scene ready to add a character or whatever I want to work with


These are not to be copied and pasted anywhere on the net, A text link is fine or you can print them for personal use only
Tut was written and put together by ©CutenToons aka Debbie Bowman